Thursday, July 10, 2014

Galactic Omniversal Democracy

I propose that G.O.D. should be viewed as an acronym for a Galactic Omniversal Democracy instead of as a single quasi-supreme entity.
Any supposed deity that lacks the creativity to only populate just one of the many solar systems from all the galaxies in just a single universe, isn't much of a creative god. Also, if such a god did populate more than one solar system, then unless that god is racially prejudice against his other creations, then he would have also had to reincarnate his "only begotten son" on these other worlds. And how then is reincarnation not also mentioned in the attested truth of creationist religions. And since reincarnation would then be possible as children of the same god, then the need to be saved in just one lifetime becomes obsolete and there wouldn't be any need by a father type god to sacrifice an only son.
Instead, I believe it's more probable that we're all part of a greater omniversal consciousness and religious bigotry is a primitive form of fear derived from an unwillingness to be understanding.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Today's Inspirational Thought on Religion

When we sleep, our brain continues to provide thoughts and ideas in what sometimes may seem to be a chaotic sense of reality.  This does not express the need to believe in anything, but more like curiosity and a desire understand.  As we express our dreams as stories, we share our stories with other stories, and eventually there forms enough similarity that some might begin to postulate a possible common truth.  Combined with a resistance to be proven wrong, we then might begin to deceive our selves in an effort to keep alive our own sense of truth.
Some larger ideas continue to build out of sheer gravitational like power.  After a while, these ideas develop a life of their own, and then comes something like cell division. Common sense now helps to explain the many different ideas of religion.  Pick one or make one of your own and see if it too will grow to have a life of its own.

Dream of Whirled Peas  :D

Monday, April 30, 2012

My Understanding of God and Goddess

I received this inspiration about a month ago, and now seems like an appropriate time to share it with you.

It was the middle of 2011 when I sought a better understanding of the Goddess. Having most of this existence subjected by a God, I had a fair enough understanding of rules.  After my reawakening began in 2010, the time had come to understand the Goddess.

The God and Goddess are not limited to the sex of humans. It is more of a balance of both within our lives. Where God is represented by Law, the Goddess is represented by Forgiveness. Whereby the God is represented by rules and the Goddess is represented by understanding. One has no meaning without the other. Law and rules are hollow without Forgiveness and understanding. Also, Forgiveness and understanding lack purpose without Law and rules.

Now lets apply these ideals to religion. Having a parental upbringing in a book religion, I experienced a God as the masculine and a church as the feminine. Given this, their church should only be capable of forgiveness and understanding. Yet their God demands control of forgiveness while their church has a history of imposing rules. That now seems to be a backward and confusing faith.

Regarding clans and covens, I have still witnessed many times either a Priest or Priestess and seldom both. Given the whole basis of human history, it has taken both Men and Women to continue the race of humans. By example, human history has proven the need for the energies of both Men and Women. By structural design, common sense also suggests a better combined leadership with a Priest and Priestess and their combined energies. The goal would then be to demonstrate the strength of both by example with the hope to better instruct our future instructors.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Emotional Control

Another helpful exercise I enjoy is to meditate my vibrational energy through the 7 colors of the rainbow or chakras, whichever you choose to use as your example. Since I view my emotions as vibrational energy, much like the energy frequencies of colors, the energy influence of colors help to entrain the current emotion I'm trying to deal with.

So to start my meditation, I begin with imagining my self vibrating at the color of red. I may have to raise or lower my current vibrational energy until I reach the color red. Then I'll raise my vibrating energy until I reach the color orange. I continue on to the next higher level until I then reach yellow, then green, then blue, then indigo, and then violet. If you want, you can continue on to magenta, then white, but I'm just focusing on the 7 colors. Then reverse your vibrating energy back down the color range from violet to indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, and then red. Your intention is to entrain your emotions and allow them to follow your color changes. Red is more exciting, violet is more soothing, while green is a good balance between the two.

I find this exercise to be most helpful in maintaining control of my own emotions. The color changes remind me of chameleons, camouflage, and help to separate my emotional self from any outside influences. Also, as a reminder, it is always best to shake off any excess energy after any energy work you may have practiced, otherwise known as grounding.

Saturday, December 24, 2011


Giving credit to a month old discussion started by Zack Taylor (e)ZDT

I understand the general sense that was used to write the 1st part of this discussion. His view is very similar to mine while I use words like understanding rather than enlightenment. Let us say that we might all begin an attempt to understand spirituality, but I will say that not all of us continue that as a quest and hence contend that there is not a continual search for spiritual understanding from all of us, all the time.

From my definition of spirituality as a belief in something that does not hold a physical existence, religion is our attempt to manifest in the physical what we believe to be real in the spiritual. And that is where I believe Zack referenced religion as a structure, which would be about the same idea. But then he stopped with people getting caught up in the religion or the structure than continuing on toward the spiritual or what he calls the flame.

Well, it occurred to me that the religion is necessary for those who do not understand the spiritual belief because the religion is the physical manifestation of the spiritual belief. Religion provides us the means to see with our eyes a physical representation of what can not be seen spiritually. The religion is not the end result, but just something to get us looking in the right direction.

And what I propose is that religion is simply the bridge to a connected Christ consciousness that can be shared between those believers. You have those who 1st understand that kind of spirituality, and who need an example to show to those who do not understand or share the same connection. So the religion is simply the manifestation, structure, blueprint, rose or Christ colored glasses that can help new people to see or begin to understand.

Ultimately, the notion of Jesus as a real person is simply a distraction and that he is more likely a personification to a greater knowledge of the connected consciousness. I have said for years now that the best way to eliminate fear is for everyone to know what everyone else is thinking. Just thinking that someone else might know everything you are thinking without knowing what they're thinking in return is a very scary thought. So what if all this is by voluntary design, to connect to everyone else and to know no fear. With morality and ethics being community based, it will help to have a shared basis that most people will agree with. Perhaps all the drug propaganda is designed to keep us from exploring this possibility of a greater or Christ consciousness. The internet has already helped me to better understand the connected nature between people from around the world at the same time, and perhaps that is why governments are now putting into place the ability to shut it down if the internet becomes too much of a threat. And when you think of it, the internet is a physical representation of the spiritual belief of a connected consciousness.

I have not had specific experiences or proof that I can say is exclusively of the Christ religion. Yet I continue to experience shared thoughts and understandings with people who I share an emotional connection with on a very regular basis. That fits my definition of spirituality. When I call a friend who just came to mind and find out they were about to call. When a Mother knows that their child needs them. When a restaurant comes to mind that you haven't thought of in years and your friend wonders how long you also shared that thought, because they just thought of it as well. How about a brand new idea that you know will change the world, to find out that others have also been thinking about it too.

The Amanita Muscaria mushroom is the fruit of a greater organism that lives underground where you can't see, and is also another representation of the same concept. The organism fruits in the winter time under pine trees, like presents under a tree. When you eat of its body, your consciousness changes and you can understand things what were not possible before, and can become like a new person or born again. These things are also illegal, but the conflict between religions is accepted and defended.

Thoughts to ponder for the season,
Happy Holidays

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Paranormal Activity 1987

This happened in the heat of a summer afternoon, in Wyoming: In the middle of a small railroad town and far enough away from any burial site to not have an influence, we moved into a home that was built brand new with no air conditioning. There were no known traumatic events, other than the beatings I received on a regular basis from my biological birth giver. On this same afternoon, I hung a heavy blanket over my bedroom window and blocked the gap at the bottom of the door. I asked my brother to participate with me in some ritual I made up. Part way into this ritual, my brother had to step out for a break because he complained about being too cold. As he opened up the door, the heat outside the bedroom came blasting in and you could see the humidity from your own breath, in the daylight from the hallway. Well, that freaked him out and he didn't come back in till the room warmed back up with the rest of the house. I didn't feel the presence of anything unusual, which leads me to believe that it must have been a presence I was familiar with. The only difference would be that it became concentrated in that room, all at that time. I do not know, but that energy may have been the residual hostility left in the house.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Christianity and Chain Letters

Okay, a simple way to look at Christianity is like a chain letter. If you believe the chain letter might be true, then you will follow it because that is what it says. If you share the letter with others, you make copies and you advance the chain.